PHONE: 613-966-0796
TOLL FREE: 1-866-670-7039

Technical Integration Capacity

When you contract out vital supply chain functions of your business to a 3PL like All-Can,  it is critical that information linkages are  robust.   We must  be able to exchange data effectively with you and also with your customers, creating a dynamic communication triangle.

State of the Art Warehouse Management System (WMS)

All-Can Pro Logistics has invested heavily in  state-of-the-art Warehouse Management Systems.  They allow us to track multiple inventories for multiple customers, sometimes in multiple warehouse environments.  Our WMS tracks product identifiers at many levels and has the capability of defining and tracking many different types of inventory transactions, enabling us  to invoice for services on a transactional basis.  These activities are best handled by integrating our WMS with your Information Technology platforms.

Advanced EDI Software

All-Can Pro Logistics uses true EDI Software to accommodate many different file transfer protocols. We can integrate all of the standard x12 transaction sets common to EDI. In addition, our software is capable of many different customized integration processes to create information translational pipelines between your computers and ours.

Alternatively, we can make our system communicate with ERP systems such as:

  • SAGE
  • Microsoft Dynamics
  • Netsuite
  • SAP

Or, with Relational databases such as:

  • Oracle
  • SQL

Our versatile WMS can also upload data from virtually any table format such as flat files, MS Excel, MS Access or other .csv file types.

If we haven’t listed your software system, talk to us.  Having your IT people work with ours to establish viable communication links is all that is necessary.

Real Time Web Access

We can offer direct web access to our WMS system with proper protections and protocols to allow your people to input orders, show ASN’s, get inventory reports and many other functions.

Please see our company news section for continued updates on our technology integration capabilities.


Questions? Call us.

We’re here to help. If you’d like to discuss a custom solution, or have any questions about how we can get your goods to their final destination, contact one of our 3PL specialists today.


Kathy LealManager, Customer Relationships & Quality Assurance

613-966-0796 x242

About All-Can Pro Logistics

We provide premium Canadian warehousing, fulfillment and distribution solutions that centrally position your inventory within easy reach of three of the most populous regions in Canada.

Corporate Office

All-Can Pro Logistics
57 Cannifton Road, Unit# 5
Belleville, ON
K8N 4V1


Toll Free: 1-866-670-7039
(from anywhere in North America)

Phone: 613-966-0796
(from around the world)

On the Web

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