PHONE: 613-966-0796
TOLL FREE: 1-866-670-7039

The clerical function at All-Can encompasses the electronic records of all storage, handling, and other value-added services. Clerical services are the responsibility of the WMS Team, comprised of the Manager of WMS and the Warehouse Management Systems Clerks (WMSC’s).


WMSC’s are stationed at the warehouses and are your day-to-day contact point.  The WMSC will help you arrange for services and monitor your warehouse activities. They will handle your Advanced Shipment Notices (ASN’s), receivings, inventory quantity, order processing, and custom reporting. They can also make this information available to you online through our web portal.

Our attention to clerical services ensures accurate billing for all activities whether they be automated or generated off-line through work order processes. The WMSC team ensures complete accuracy in the charges made to all customers.


Detailed customer setup in WMS

Our WMSC team will take great care to create accurate and complete customer profiles within our WMS which will then properly manage all interactions. Your profile will be customized to reflect your requirements.

Detailed product setup in WMS

Prior to your first shipment to the warehouse, we will verify that your product (SKU) identification criteria is accurate and complete.

Develop Customer Specific WMS SOP’s

Each customer is unique; therefore it is important that we develop SOP’s for WMS functions. The WMSC’s who will be dealing with your account will implement your SOP’s to enable error-free transactions.


Inventory Data loaded into WMS

Your SKU list will be augmented with detailed product information such as quantity, colour, weight, dimensions, carton sizes, pallet TIHI’s, serial numbers etc.

Cycle and full inventory counts

We ensure inventory accuracy by performing regular cycle counts and physical inventory checks.

Solve Warehouse Management inquiries

Our WMSC’s have the knowledge and training to effectively answer inquiries from our customers. They have the experience to solve any issues that may arise at the warehouse or will call the appropriate resources to help provide a solution.


This is very closely tied to inventory and cycle counts. As an All-Can customer, you are welcome to verify inventory accuracy at any time.


Moving products to gain efficiency through consolidations and eliminating wasted space can result in lower storage cost for our customers. If products need quarantine or hold conditions, our systems can relocate and isolate with clear audit trails.


Receive ASN’s and Process

Advance Shipment Notice (ASN) gives clerical staff the ability to prepare for product arrival and deal more efficiently with receiving your goods. This could be an e-mail or automated format such as a CSV file or EDI.

Order Processing by fax, e-mail or EDI

The clerical staff will receive and process orders by fax, e-mail or EDI.

Allocate Work to Floor

Once processed, your orders are allocated to the warehouse floor for completion.

Close and Confirm all Activities

There is always a final verification for everything. Our business processes together with our information systems ensure accuracy.

Generate all Appropriate Paperwork

Our systems generate standard warehouse receipts, inventory work sheets and work orders as well as other customer specific paperwork like quality inspections or shipping documents.

Back To Services Overview

Questions? Call us.

We’re here to help. If you’d like to discuss a custom solution, or have any questions about how we can get your goods to their final destination, contact one of our 3PL specialists today.


Kathy LealManager, Customer Relationships & Quality Assurance

613-966-0796 x242

About All-Can Pro Logistics

We provide premium Canadian warehousing, fulfillment and distribution solutions that centrally position your inventory within easy reach of three of the most populous regions in Canada.

Corporate Office

All-Can Pro Logistics
57 Cannifton Road, Unit# 5
Belleville, ON
K8N 4V1


Toll Free: 1-866-670-7039
(from anywhere in North America)

Phone: 613-966-0796
(from around the world)

On the Web

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